In Memory
In Memory
Gone way too soon!
“When we are young, wandering the face of the Earth, wondering what our dreams might be worth, learning that we’re only immortal; For a limited time”
From the song Dreamline by Rush
Too often in our lifetime, we have had to bid farewell to one of our classmates. As certain as taxes, there will be more farewells as time goes on. This simple tribute page will grow, and there is nothing we can do about it. So let us celebrate life with those who remain, and remember with fondness everyone on this page, as we knew them when times were simpler, and we thought we would live forever.
Don "Donnie" Ankerbrand
Rick Baker
Ronald E. Baker Sr
Ronald Eugene Bakner
Daniel Barnett
Diane M. Borzager
Linda Bowling Freed
Byron "Rick" Bowser
Thomas Eugene Buffington
Crystal (Byers) Cheney
Ronald Carson
John "Mike" Castellucio
David M. Cauffman
Cathy (Creager) Flohr
Thomas Allen Daley
Delbert Dingle
Sharon Embly
Floyd Eyler
Robert Eric Funk
Luann Gassette Truax
Stanley Eugene Gates
Nathan Green
Randy Gunder
Patricia Haffner Mills
Betsy (Hartman) Smith
Jerry Hartman
Rhonda Hollinshead Cabanas
Linda Lee Honodel
Terri Kane Valentine
Debra Kerlin Downin
Ruth Ann Kesselring Decker
Susie King Shetron
Jeffrey Kline
Shelly Kunze Blackwell
Pamela Lentz Rideour
Fred "Tim" McCleaf
Deborah McCracken Singer
Donald E. McFerren
Sheryl A. Melville
Goldie (Moser) Kauffman
Francis Myers
Conrad Naugle
Julia Ann Newcomer
Sara Louise Null
Robert "Marty" Ogle
Paula Olson Zentmyer
Jefferson Davis Parker
Willie Mae Pepples
Michael Kerry Purnell
Lucinda Ann Reynolds
Diana (Rhone) Myers
Randy Rodgers
Robin Sanders
Norman (Gene) Schreffler
Susan Ruth Shearer
Robert "Bobby" Sites
Ann Marie Sleicher
Darryl Lynn Smith
Dean Michael Snowberger
Rodney Paul Sprenkle
Linda Stevens Miller
Barb Stump Royer
Sheri Teffeteller Hafer
Carol Wagaman Foose Zody
Ginger Waltz Fitzpatrick
Kathleen Washabaugh
Curtis L Wright
Regina Ziegler Noll
Gone way too soon!
“When we are young, wandering the face of the Earth, wondering what our dreams might be worth, learning that we’re only immortal; For a limited time”
From the song Dreamline by Rush
Too often in our lifetime, we have had to bid farewell to one of our classmates. As certain as taxes, there will be more farewells as time goes on. This simple tribute page will grow, and there is nothing we can do about it. So let us celebrate life with those who remain, and remember with fondness everyone on this page, as we knew them when times were simpler, and we thought we would live forever.
Don "Donnie" Ankerbrand
Rick Baker
Ronald E. Baker Sr
Ronald Eugene Bakner
Daniel Barnett
Diane M. Borzager
Linda Bowling Freed
Byron "Rick" Bowser
Thomas Eugene Buffington
Crystal (Byers) Cheney
Ronald Carson
John "Mike" Castellucio
David M. Cauffman
Cathy (Creager) Flohr
Thomas Allen Daley
Delbert Dingle
Sharon Embly
Floyd Eyler
Robert Eric Funk
Luann Gassette Truax
Stanley Eugene Gates
Nathan Green
Randy Gunder
Patricia Haffner Mills
Betsy (Hartman) Smith
Jerry Hartman
Rhonda Hollinshead Cabanas
Linda Lee Honodel
Terri Kane Valentine
Debra Kerlin Downin
Ruth Ann Kesselring Decker
Susie King Shetron
Jeffrey Kline
Shelly Kunze Blackwell
Pamela Lentz Rideour
Fred "Tim" McCleaf
Deborah McCracken Singer
Donald E. McFerren
Sheryl A. Melville
Goldie (Moser) Kauffman
Francis Myers
Conrad Naugle
Julia Ann Newcomer
Sara Louise Null
Robert "Marty" Ogle
Paula Olson Zentmyer
Jefferson Davis Parker
Willie Mae Pepples
Michael Kerry Purnell
Lucinda Ann Reynolds
Diana (Rhone) Myers
Randy Rodgers
Robin Sanders
Norman (Gene) Schreffler
Susan Ruth Shearer
Robert "Bobby" Sites
Ann Marie Sleicher
Darryl Lynn Smith
Dean Michael Snowberger
Rodney Paul Sprenkle
Linda Stevens Miller
Barb Stump Royer
Sheri Teffeteller Hafer
Carol Wagaman Foose Zody
Ginger Waltz Fitzpatrick
Kathleen Washabaugh
Curtis L Wright
Regina Ziegler Noll